Friday, May 29, 2009

5 reasons I love my husband

So since I'm lacking inspiration to come up with my own ideas today, I'm stealing an idea from the Moms at Work blog at our local newspaper. Today, Lisa, one of the bloggers, wrote about five reasons her husband is a keeper. I loved the here is my list:

1. He is a very loving and involved dad. He is willing to sit on the floor and play with Myles' cars for as long as he wants, or just while I go out for a run or take a few minutes for myself. He also watches Myles every other Thursday night so that I can go out with my friends.

2. He never (and I mean never) gives up. If something needs to be fixed, or if he needs to find an answer to something, he will not sleep until the task is accomplished.

3. He works really hard and often sacrifices his own wants for our family. I know he isn't a natural nine-to-fiver, but he gets up day after day and works his butt off so that we can have financial security. Meanwhile, I'm sure he'd love to live on a beach in Costa Rica.

4. He fills in where I am lacking. I struggle with patience and perseverence. Billy is extremely good in these two areas and helps reel me in when he needs to.

5. He has been there for me through thick and thin. Let me tell you, Billy and I have been through a tremendous amount of pain together. We have suffered losses together and we have grieved together. And through it all, I've learned that I have a man who loves me more than I ever knew I was loved.

I wrote earlier this month about suffering a loss, something I couldn't talk about at that time. That loss, which happened on April 27, 2009, was the miscarriage of a 7-week baby. And as I laid in that hospital bed, in severe physical and emotional agony, Billy stood with me. He cried with me. He comforted me. And he, along with God, was the strength I needed to get through it. Really, what more could any woman want from her husband?


~~Mel~~ said...

Honey I am so sorry to hear of your loss...What a difficult thing to have to go through.

Your hubby sure sounds like a keeper...I'm glad you have him there beside you.

Jaime said...

oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear about what you have been going through...
That is hard for anyone to deal with, but I am glad to hear you have a strong caring partner by your side
hugs Jaime