Friday, March 27, 2009

Terrible threes?

I can't believe it's been over a week since I posted...not sure where that time went! So we've entered what many moms have told me are the terrible threes. I must admit I've been a little nervous about this stage. The twos were so stinking easy...I figured all these people couldn't be wrong. They certainly weren't wrong about the dreaded 18 month stage!

Well, I think I'm starting to see what they mean! He's been three for two weeks and like a light switch, he is Mr. Sensitive. If I'm mad at him, he becomes hysterical and runs to daddy, whining and crying all the way, "Mommy yelled at me!" This is the reaction I get even when I do not raise my voice, but am simply stern with him. And by the way, I only raise my voice when he's screaming so loudly that it's the only way I'm heard.

He is also now wanting to do EVERYTHING by himself. This is good and bad. Yes, I want my child to be independent and capable. But sometimes he really can't do something without help. At that point, he throws himself on the floor screaming. When I then try to help him and teach him how to do whatever it is he thought he could do, he throws an even bigger fit. Not being one who will tolerate a tantrum, I then look him in the eye and sternly say, "Myles!" And he then cries to daddy that I've yelled at him and the cycle starts all over again!

Yes, I'm in for it. I can feel it. Time to take a deep breath, brush up on my patience skills and add another night to my workout routine!


Debby said...

Lol!! Oh..I can't help

I am so glad to be leaving the 3s behind. It gets better...then will get bad agin around 3.5..then will get better....

Good luck.

~~Mel~~ said...

Oh boy do I remember that stage...pretty vividly too! I'm will get through this, Promise!

Anonymous said...

Independence only starts at 3! Wait until 4.........I'm REALLY going to try and blog about Emma tonight!