Monday, November 24, 2008

Weight loss progress

Well, I completed my first week of trying to lose weight and fared very well. I'm down 3.2 pounds for the week to 145.6, with only 4.6 pounds to go!

I certainly had good days and bad days when it came to eating. I've been SUCH a bad eater, I knew I couldn't become a great eater overnight. But I'm happy to say about half of the days last week were truly good days. On the days I did not do well, I made sure to exercise to somewhat make up for it. Yesterday, I was out running again and managed to get back to 2 miles! My previous run earlier in the week ended after 1.5 miles so I was happy with this progress. Although I was up to about 4 miles at one point in time during the spring, I basically took 6 months off from running so being back at 2 is more than acceptable to me. There is a nice 4-mile run by my house that I intend to be doing by the end of the year so I'm excited to have that goal.

This week, of course, is Thanksgiving. I will allow myself to eat a lot that day. However, I'll be cautious leading up to that day, as well as the weekend after, with the hope that I can be close to 144.0 by next Monday, with just 3 pounds to go! Wish me luck...this won't be easy now that Thanksgiving is here!