Monday, August 3, 2009

Tadpole lesson

Billy brought home about 10 tadpoles Thursday night from our friends Scott and Dianne's house. They are now living in a glass in our kitchen, just waiting to sprout their legs.

Myles is in charge of feeding them their fish food twice per day and watching out for their legs to sprout. Dianne is also letting us use a neat educational book (good for 3-5 year olds) called "From Tadpole to Frog" to explain to Myles the process of how frogs come to be.

He seems fairly interested in them at this point, but not overly. He doesn't think to feed them himself (I have to remind him) and he usually spends about 60 seconds watching them eat before he's off to his play room to race his cars.

When they grow their legs, the plan is to put the glass outside so that they can hop away where and when they choose. What I won't be doing is this (see link). I'd have A LOT of explaining (and comforting) to do.


Southern Living: Preppy Style said...

Oh no, that article was...oh no, is all I can say! Yes, please do not do that! ;-)

~~Mel~~ said...

I love your idea of just letting them hop away when they choose sweet...that article was horrifying!!!

Mom said...

Good luck with the frog project!